Japanese engines combine high technologies with experience based on decades of thorough work and research and for that very reason they are in high demand all over the globe. Japanese engines are popular either with regular folks for their reliability and with obsessed car enthusiasts who use stock engine as a workpiece for their far-reaching tuning ambitions. Legendary Japanese engines (B16B, B18C, RB26DETT and many others) have become a reality thanks to efforts of J-Point. We make sure your engine arrives in your city in time and in perfect shape. Genuine Japanese engines can be delivered to Kiev, Kharkov, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and other cities in the Ukraine.
More than 8 years in business
1345 satisfied customers
100% goods safety
Best service and keen prices!
“Extremely rare Japanese engine. 1.6 liter, 175 HP. Goes with LSD-equipped gearbox and ECU. 60.000 km.“
Мотор Nissan SR16VE
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